The Brainstormers are: Elaine Kaufmann, Danielle Mysliwiec, and Maria Dumlao.
"Creating Value Around Women Artists: The Chief Curator's View", Moca’s Helen Molesworth explains why the gender imbalance in museums persists and what can be done to remove it
Gallery Tally A call for Gender Equity in the Arts
The X Factor by Greg Allen asks why women's art sells for so much less than men's.
Jerry Saltz calls attention to the exclusion of women in the art world Read his article The Battle for Babylon.
Where the Girls Aren't by Jerry Saltz "Art and apartheid: The prime real estate is still a men's club"
White Walls, Glass Ceiling by Ben Davis
Stats of the 2014 Whitney Biennial by Jillian Sheinhauer/Hyperallergic
Mira Schor A Year Of Positive Thinking and M/E/A/N/I/N/G
Feminist Art Base at Brooklyn Museum's Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art
Feminist Art Project
WACK! A major survey of early feminist art.
Making It Together: Women's Collaborative Art & Community. An Exhibition at Bronx Museum of Art.
tART A collective of emerging women artists in NYC
Art Fag City Fresh Art Criticism from Paddy Johnson
Exquisite Acts & Everyday Rebellions, compiled by Mira Schor A list of fantastic links compiled by artist and writer Mira Schor.
National Endowment for the Arts: Women Artists: 1990 - 2005. See Research #96. pdf version is available.
Changing Proportions of Men and Women in the Artist Occupations 1970 - 1980