Dube, Ilene, The Brainstormers: ‘Real Time’ at Rutgers, CentralJersey.com, Sept. 29, 2011
Haegle, Katie, Female Gazing: A Day With The Young Women’s Caucus For Art, Bitch Magazine, June 2011, (Review)
Schor, Mira, A Feminist Tea Party, Huffington Post, February 11, 2011
Davis, Ben, P.S.1 Launches Studio Visit Website, artnet.com, Feb. 4, 2010
Strickland, Carol, The Women of Pop Art, The Christian Science Monitor, Nov. 17, 2010
Hoban, Phoebe, The Feminist Evolution, Cover Story, ARTNews, December 2009
Zeldis, Yona, On Being Brainstormers, NYFA Current, August 2009
Fry, Warren, The Brainstormers, The Brooklyn Rail, Nov. 2008
New York Arts, Nov. 2007
Birnir, Adda, Feminism Blurs Line Between Art, Politics, Yale Daily News, April 17, 2007
Zimmer, Amy, A Place at the Table, Metro New York Edition, March 23, 2007
Brainstormers Report, riffRAG, May 31, 2007
Carter, Rob, Brainstorming the Armory? thePIT March 13, 2006
Davis, Ben, White Walls Glass Ceilings, ARTNET, March 13, 2006
Johnson, Paddy, Special Report: There is a Hole, Art Fag City, March 2006
Brainstormers' Weather Report, The Flog. March 13, 2006
Anon, Von Heyl Gets Her Due + Brainstormer Action, Anonymous Female Artist (A.K.A. Militant Art Bitch), March 2006
Greater New York Gender Equality, MTAA-RR, February 12, 2006
Zimmer, Amy, Protestors: PS1 Show Biased Against Women, Metro NY, March 14, 2005
Robinson, Walter, Artists Protest "Greater New York" ARTNET, March 15, 2005
Fallon, Roberta, Greater Than What?, Fallon and Rosof's Artblog, March 15, 2005